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Jessica Myers-Adams

Meet Jessica Myers-Adams, aka The Relationship Visionary. This powerhouse of motivation is a licensed clinical social worker, certified relationship coach, and captivating author and speaker.

Her book, “What To Do When You Do Give a F*ck,” has garnered high praise and attention for its no- nonsense advice on how to turn around failing  relationships. Through her coaching  program, Couples Speak, Jessica has helped countless couples mend their broken bonds and rediscover the joy of genuine connection.
But her journey to success wasn’t an easy one. After hitting rock bottom in her relationship, Jessica faced a tough decision: continue down a path of despair, or fight for something better. She chose the latter and, through her struggles, discovered a powerful method to transform relationships. And Jessica’s drive for excellence doesn’t stop there.

She’s an Ironman finisher, with her sights set on a grueling 100-mile running race in September 2023. But she’s not doing it just for the glory – she’s also dedicating her runs to help support the operation of schools for kids in Kenya. With her infectious energy and proven track record of success, Jessica is a true inspiration for anyone looking to overcome adversity and achieve their dreams.

Lauren Ostrowski

Lauren Ostrowski has also trained extensively in the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy. Lauren is a teaching assistant for the Couples Institute and provides professional counseling and hypnotherapy within a group private practice. She helps couples and individuals out of the log jam of unhappiness,
fighting, or feeling stuck to create mutual respect, trust, and affection. Lauren’s strength is helping clients gain awareness of the power they possess to lead the relationship towards their goals. In addition to working with her clients, she is a leading contributor to the therapist training program, where she writes to dozens of therapists worldwide each week and offers guidance to support relationship change.

Lauren still remembers a particular session from years ago which motivated her to seek specialized training in working with couples. Even with her best efforts, the tension in the room was still apparent – and it inspired her to educate herself on the dynamic of how individuals interact in a way that creates an environment of similarity and difference, often with a tremendous amount of tension. Lauren is grateful for the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy and the treatment map that it provides.

What motivates Lauren to work with couples is twofold. One part is about her desire to identify the cycle of what is happening between partners, while helping them see what they can each change that would lead to their ideal relationship. When a couple sees the cycle of what is happening during conflict, this immediately opens doors to change. The other major element that Lauren really enjoys about couples work is the idea of emphasizing that each partner has a part in what is happening, which also means that they each have a role in creating change or growth for themselves, which then affects the couple. Lauren appreciates seeing partners find ways to use their voices to express what they want while also helping them move from intense anxiety about expression to a feeling of calm. Freedom of expression is powerful!

Lauren is also committed to continuing to help couples therapists learn how to use the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy because this approach has become the central approach for her clinical practice with any client looking to improve relationships with others or themselves. Lauren has also found much more comfort, connectedness, and differentiation in personal relationships since beginning to live by the principles of the Developmental Model of Couples Therapy.

​Lauren believes that there is tremendous value in being able to take just a moment or two to consider what is being said before responding. This quote encapsulates this well: “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Viktor Frankl

Lauren considers being present with couples and individual clients throughout their healing journey to be a privilege. Are you ready to start your journey of awareness and growth right now?

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