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Whoo Hoo!

Get ready to bring some happiness back into your relationship with our 14-Day Happy Couples Challenge! I’ve designed a super-condensed, fun, and powerful challenge to help you reignite the spark and double the happiness in your relationship.

Welcome to your Members Area, where you’ll find all the resources you need to make this challenge a success.

STEP 1 – Challenge Details

  1. Start off strong by watching the challenge kickoff video in Module 1. This will set you up for success and prepare you for the journey ahead.
  2. Keep an eye on your email inbox each day. We’ll send you a new 2-minute Happy Couples Challenge task that will actively increase the happiness setpoint in your relationship.
  3. Track your challenge progress daily using our Happiness Game Board (accessible under the RESOURCES tab). Celebrate your wins as you witness the positive changes in your relationship.
  4. Watch the magic unfold as you release stress, gain clarity, and invite more joy and love into your lives.

STEP 2 – Agreement By accessing this Members Area and participating in the challenge, you agree to the following:

Jessica Agrees: To provide you with the tools, materials, and coaching necessary to bring happiness back into your relationship effortlessly.

You Agree:

  1. To keep the challenge materials confidential and not share them with anyone else.
  2. To fully commit to the program. If you need assistance or guidance, don’t hesitate to ask.
  3. That you’ve chosen to embrace change and invest in this program, including making payments on time and completing all payments.

Thank you for allowing me to support you on this journey to a happier relationship. Remember, you and your partner deserve nothing less than 5-Star Happiness!

Jessica, Your Couples Coach

Questions? Contact our Client Care team at